Monday, February 1, 2010

A first for everything...

A wise man once said, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"... and with this little first step my journey into the world of blogs begins; and as the saying goes (probably by the same wise man),"The first step is the hardest of them all!" - and this indeed seems to be the hardest blog to write!

To explain my predicament, let me be a little more precise...

First I had to decide that I had to indeed get into the blogging world - Blogspot was a Google product (so I did not have to go through a separate registration process) and I had to start by coming up with a "pseud" name "Luminous Proclamations"... and let it be as luminous as it could be... It is over 11 months since my "start" and after reading numerous blogs, I am proud to say that today my first blog finally has a few words on it.

The hard part's over - I have started my own blog... right?? WRONG! Now that I have started, I am not sure what I have to write about. It is easy when you have certain thoughts in mind.. but I did not expect it to be so difficult when you decide to write it on the fly...Do I write about any first experience as a blogger?? Do I write about the Swine Flu paranoia in Pune? or Do I write about the "Serene chaos" of Pune traffic?

All in due time. Coming to think of it, there is so much to write about, and this looks like a good start. For now, this would suffice for the first blogging experience bit. Hopefully, the subsequent blogs would be richer in content and easier to pen.


  1. hey sandy,
    let u be the one who goes on...

  2. wtg sandy... look fwd to reading more from you!!!
