Thursday, April 1, 2010

Anatomy of an April Fool day prank....

The following is a mail I wrote for my friends yesterday at work...

All of us would have experienced this wonderful day through some prank or the other at some point of time. But, if you take a step back, you would realize that there is an underlying pattern followed across all pranks. The DNA of this complex setup, once decoded, becomes the true backbone of the prank, and a complete development is critical to the success of the prank. This x-factor is what I intend to decode by means of this mail. I thought that this would be a good (er… perfect) opportunity to share it with you guys today.

So are you ready? Here goes…
1.       Chatter– there has to be sufficient noise to remove all possibilities of the victim to realize that he is being ambushed. This is usually done by diverting the attention of the victim to something which is irrelevant but substantial. Care should be taken to ensure that it is not too out of the ordinary and should fit into the thick of activities that would normally ensue on a normal day.
2.       Trap Laying – This is probably the most elaborate phase of the entire process and usually takes a wide range of time depending on the level of intricacy of the plot. It is usually directly proportional to the level of shock that is intended to hit the victim (Though many may argue that it is not always true – which is right considering Pareto’s 80-20 principle). This phase typically may take any amount of time ranging from a few minutes to  several hours or even days.
3.       The lure – As we move along the day, an interest should be created in the victim so as to create a level of involvement.  The intensity of involvement would usually be directly proportional to the vicinity between the victim and the prankster.
4.       The kill – This is where we hit the nail on the head. However, beware - the intensity may be  there, the enthu may be present, and the bakra would be in the middle of the proceedings –but  it may just fall victim to Murphy’s law – here the sum of the parts might be lesser than the parts themselves.

What you may have realized is that I am not telling anything new compared to what you may probably know by means of your experiences. You may also have realized that I did successfully get you guys to come out of your work and waste a few minutes by reading this useless mail, which tells nothing new. In reality, all you need to do is think of something and pull his/her leg… So much for April’s day pranks. (Hopefully Murphy’s law notwithstanding) This was one of them!  HA!